Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Tommy Thomas Tales, An Introduction

Meow Weow!! My name is Tommy Thomas. I am a red tabby and white short-haired kitty cat who lives in Atlanta, Georgia with my Mommy Mommas. My home is filled with lots and lots of kitties, all of whom were homeless and “rescued” by our Mommy Mommas. We all have great stories, but I am the first one to come forward to tell my tales, The Tommy Thomas Tales.

When I decided to tell my tales, my Mommy Mommas was so excited and told me that she would help me in any way possible. Mommy has told her friends my tales for a very long time and they were so happy others would now be able to also enjoy my tales.

As my paws are clumsy on the keyboard, my Mommy agreed to transcribe my tales from Felinish (kitty language) into English. Mommy and I communicate telepathically ~ that means she knows what I am thinking and I know what she is thinking. The only problem is that I think in Felinish and sometimes Mommy is “creative” in her translation to English. What is a boy to do with such a creative Mommy?!

Remember that every kitty has their very own and very important tales. If you ask your kitty to tell their tales, I am sure they will be so very happy to do so. They will even teach you how to translate Felinish into English ~ just be patient as learning a new language takes time and practice.

I hope that you enjoy my tales as much as I enjoy sharing them with you. Meow Weow!!