Friday, November 25, 2011

The Importance of FUN!

As a youngster, quite the wild little red tabby & white kitty youngster I might add, I did my very best to help my Mommy Mommas in any way possible, any way, especially if I got her attention.  

You see my Mommy Mommas LOVES her work and spends so very much time at her office desk.  Goodness gracious, thank goodness that desk is in our home or we would hardly ever never see our Mommy.

So I decided to help Mommy organize - what a thoughtful boy I was!  Well, actually, I thought if I help Mommy organize she will get her work done very much faster and have time for ME.  Yes, ME! So off to her desk I went to discover where I could be the most helpful.

Mommy Mommas Organizational
Methods - VERY rigid
Side Note: Pre-Tommy Thomas, kitties were NOT allowed on Mommy's desk. Well, I used Mommy's refrain of YES is the answer and broke down her rule.  It was gone, all gone!

Hmmm.....  those many bowls of paperclips, different kinds each in their very own bowl, caught my eyes.  Aaaahhh, they are rigid in their separate little cups and not able to have fun.  So, I learned how to use my paws to gather up clips from each and every bowl.  Then put them in a pile and MIXED, yes, mixed them up!  Wow, the clips were all so very happy and very grateful to have FUN!

You see, I know how important FUN is to every bit of life, not just playtime. Mommy was so very serious when she worked that she blocked her genius, yes she blocked her genius.  By freeing the paperclips, I knew I brought FUN to her desk that could unblock her genius.

Tommy Thomas Organizational
Method - Very FUN, very
creative for working!
Goodness, goodness was I surprised when my Mommy go mad at my ingenious Tommy Thomas Organizational Methods. At first my plan backfired, oh was I not happy.  But I reflect off of Mommy's persistence so I made sure her clips always had FUN. Yes, I did and braved her sharp tongue, sometimes even with the TONE.   Oh, then I would stop for a bit - the TONE is very serious and I do listen.

Another FUN trick I learned was to help Mommy type on her computer.  I would stand next to her and bite her fingers as they moved so quickly on the keyboard. YES, success - Mommy would laugh and laugh, thus freeing her genius. Then, goodness then goodness, she started letting her clips have FUN. Yes, she did!

Success, the Tommy Thomas Organizational Methods were a success. Mommy started letting herself have FUN while she worked and I got more attention.  I cannot say my Mommy worked less, but she sure got more done when she let it be FUN!
Now Mommy ends many of her e-mails with Have FUN!  Yes, success!! Remember FUN is very, very important in EVERY part of your life.  Future tales will go deeper into FUN.  Meow Weow!

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