Saturday, November 5, 2011

Furry, Furry Chatter - VERY Important!

Kitties chatter in  many, many ways - sometimes for whatever and often for very important, very important whispers (OK, I must admit at times, shouts) to our human pals.  Remember us kitties, furry furries,  only reflect off the energy, the emotions, of the human pals who we love so much. Mechanical, yes very very mechanical, is our furry, furry existence underneath our personality cloaks. 

You see there is a Universal Law:  Like Energy Attracts Like Energy.  So the furry, furry realm has no choice but to be a reflection of their human pals, no choice.  Yet we do get a very, very fun choice in the personality cloak worn while a furry, furry.  Oh, Oh, how much fun we have deciding upon our cloak before we POP into our furry, furry. Goodness, yes!

Very few, really none, of those in a furry furry are part of the animal realm - no not in these very important times.  The Honchos of the Intergalactic Realms (humans tend to call them Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, I AM Presences to name a few) send a bit of themselves into a furry furry to bring LOVE, simple Truthful Love, to Humans they Love so very, very much.  For this reason, it is very important, very important to listen to your furry furry's chatter.

Furry Furry chatter may come in felinish (kitty language heard with second hearing - humans call it telepathic or clairaudient) - yet it is a talent, yes a studied talent, to hear felinish chatter.  So most furry, furry chatter is by action taken to get their human pal's notice.

Mommy Mommas gave her YES to use a very fun furry, furry action to explain what I am stammering about.  You see a few years ago, Mommy had what she considered a very non-nice happening in her work realm.  Our Mommy knew it was a gift, not a fun gift, yet a treasure all the same.  So Mommy kept her heart open and took action based in Love.  It was amazing, amazing!

Yet parts of Mommy were very, very angry - not one bit happy with those who gave her the gift.  Mommy did her best to ignore those pesky aspects.  They were not to be ignored.  It was time for furry, furry ACTION!

WARNING:  Sailor language about to transcribe to keep truthful with our Mommy's colorful chatter.

One night Mommy Mommas came home to find Buddy Hambone, the current King of the Home (the oldest) had taken a big "dump" on her bed right where she sleeps.  Goodness, gracious Mommy was not happy to find the dump, especially so late at night.  Yet determined not to change the bed sheets that very night, Mommy committed to clean-up the dump with Sacred Heart energy.  Mommy breathed deep, very deep and sent the dump LOVE.

Little "M" - loves to pose
for Mommy & her camera
Then Mommy went to get the cleaning tools.  As Mommy walked, Little "M" (the Big "M" is Arch Angel Michael) barreled down the hall almost tripping Mommy.  Little "M" leaped into the sink in front of Mommy and PEED - Yes, Little "M" urinated (human word) right there in front of Mommy.  I do believe Mommy said something like "What the F..K" - yes, that is Mommy, true Mommy!

Determined not to put clean sheets on her bed, Mommy stayed in her Heart (oh, we so very proud of Mommy) as she went to pick-up the dump.  So VERY in her Heart, Mommy picked-up the dump with nary a mess left on the bed.  Mission Accomplished!!!

Now back at the sink, Mommy looked in the mirror and asked WHAT? The Big "M" clearly said " You feel SHIT on and you are PISSED".  Mommy broke into such laughter.  Yet she knew it was time to say Hello to the anger so she could say Good-Bye to it.

You see, your Furry, Furry friends are your HEART pals - here to help and LOVE you.  It may be a good idea to look beyond what you think is the obvious.  To quote Mommy "SHIT is not always shit"  Meow Weow!

Note - see older posts if you are a bit confused.

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